
Tuesday, June 01, 2004

IKEA= the 7th Circle of Hell on the weekend

Recap: Went to IKEA this weekend. Got freaked out by the crowds of soccer moms (and dads), screaming children, sullen-looking college kids, etc.---almost bolted for the door. I calmed down though, and started having fun with the free measuring tape they give you.

I started out unnecessarily measuring the signs with the prices and the names of the furniture. I moved on to bigger fun by sliding up behind various shoppers and measuring their legs and arms (from a safe 1 foot distance, mind you). Ahh big fun. Most people got a kick out of it although I think they may have assumed I was a little nuts and on some sort of "hospital leave" or something.

Anyway, I gotta hand it to those Scandinavians man, they can make some pretty hep, affordable furniture. And the meat balls + Lingonberry juice value meal at the cafeteria was simply outstanding.


At Wed Apr 06, 09:05:00 PM PDT, Blogger Curtis P. Sangamon said...

Meatballs and Lingonberry juice.........mmm mmm good!


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