
Thursday, October 06, 2005

10 Celebrities I've met/seen

1. Sebastian Bach from Skid Row
Gave him a handshake-hug and told him "I love your shit man!" He was cool. He rolled into a nightclub with a 24 pack of Heineken under one arm. That's class.

2. Jermaine O'Neal
Peed next to him at a urinal in a club in Vegas. I told him "hey man that stuff in Detroit was just self-defense." He smiled but didn't say anything (probably on advice from his attorney). Anyway I was impressed with him cause he kept getting stopped by people in the club and he kept a good attitude and shook everybody's hand and shit. Thats gotta get pretty annoying (in addition to assholes like me talking to you in the bathroom!)

3. Al from the Tim Allen Show "Home Improvement"
He seemed to have an eye for the ladies!

4. Tommy Lasorda
He bumped his stomach into me in line waiting to get searched at the airport. Tommy's a very heavy breather. I didn't come up with any snappy comments to say to him, mainly cause I was pretty annoyed at getting searched. Anyway he was ok with the search for the most part but started to get a little pissed as it went along. Eventually he said "everybody here knows I'm no terrorist." Sure Tommy, whatever.

5. Members of the Las vegas Real World cast
I was hitting on one of the chicks at a bar in the Palms and trying to get invited up to see their "house" (which I think took up a whole floor there or maybe half a floor). Anyway she wasn't having it. She told me to come back the next day and meet her at 5pm at the bar. Sure baby, I'll be there with bells on....errr not. By the way this is a stretch as far as celebrities go, I know. That's why I left the names out, I don't consider any of them individually to be actual celebs.

6. Larry David
Saw LD walking out of a buffet. He had a group of people following him so I didn't get a chance to yell out "jerkstore is the line!" Ahh too bad.

7. Jill Kelly
For the unitiated, she's a porn star. Let's see, I asked for a hug, told her I loved her work and thankfully my request was granted.

8. Mo Rocha
Saw him at LAX while I was on the phone with my mom. He walked by and I said (to my mom) "hmmm that dude looks a lot like Mo Rocha from the Daily Show. He looked over when I said Mo Rocha, and said "hey how you doin." That my friends, was a moment!

9. Don Cheadle
Saw him playing craps at 3am in the Bellagio in Vegas. Oddly enough he was by himself. No crowd of onlookers, no entourage, just Don and the dice.

10. Lance Bass from N'Sync
He offered me some of his Grey Goose. Good guy. My buddy Mark asked him if he could "take a snap." I think my buddy was trying to sound cool but neither I nor Lance apparently thought it was too cool. Lance said no. I don't really blame him, just say photo or picture next time Mark!


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