
Friday, October 07, 2005

Two for the money - Haven't seen it, but I'll review it anyway

This looks like a piece of shit to me.

The Cast:
Al Pacino- Where have you gone Mr. Pacino? Where's Michael Corleone these days? He didn't yell "I know it was YOU Fredo. You broke my HEART over here!" He whispered it. Get back to that acting style baby. I miss that.

Matt Mac-con-ah-hay - One word, easy to spell.....Hack.

Renee Russo - Apparently her husband wrote the movie so I can't really blame her for being in it.

The Plot:
Pacino hires McConeghey for some high roller sports betting service. McConeghey gets all slicky-boy after tasting success. Then he realizes he liked his old life better and wants out. Pacino screams a lot. Renee Russo walks around looking pretty, but let's face it she looked a lot better 10 years ago, and there's probably no nude scene since her husband wrote the part. Yep that's about it folks. Like I said looks like a piece of shit.


At Fri Oct 07, 10:15:00 PM PDT, Blogger Curtis P. Sangamon said...

You know what I have. Problem is you're talking about a free HOW TO training course. I don't "read well," and I'm assuming if its a training course it involves "reading." Sorry, thanks for being my one and only reader though.

At Fri Oct 07, 10:17:00 PM PDT, Blogger Curtis P. Sangamon said...

Also, since I do only have the one person reading this blog (namely, you Mr. Anonymous, never heard of that last name by the way, is it Dutch?) the whole advertising racket doesn't seem like a good direction to take this blog. Maybe if my readership gets up to say enough people to field a soccer squad, then I'll start thinking about how to turn this badboy into a real moneymaker!


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